Afraid to die
you are afraid to die and want to overcome it?
First and foremost, you are obsessing.
Second, stop it.
Third, how?
You realize that what you are doing is a complete waste of time. Look, you are going to die Regardless of whether you are afraid of it or not. One day you will no longer be aware of your day to day as you will be dead and truly and honestly I can tell you… YOU WILL NOT CARE. As you will be too dead to care.
Literally the only thing you are doing is wasting time meanwhile you are alive concerning yourself of something that you cannot change. Pretty stupid, eh?
Okay, how do you start the whole process exactly? I will tell you.
First, take some time alone, say an hour a couple times of a week and meditate. Ponder of “exactly” the reason WHY you are afraid. Be honest to yourself.
For me the only way through which one could overcome the fear of death is by preparing for it instead of fearing it. We all know sooner or later we are going to die, we got no control over this, but what we can do is shape our life in a manner that even death couldn't shake it up. We got to make each and every moment of our life purposeful so that when the time of out death comes we could go away from this world with ease, knowing we have made the most of the time we had at our disposal.
But still, this isn't that easy because we aren't talking about ourselves only. In this fear of inevitable death, there are plenty of other elements to take into consideration too such as our friends and families. Even if we lived a purposeful life and even if we died with ease, how the people who were near to us could know that we were at ease? The only way to tell this to them is through your actions during an instance of your life. If you were at ease, the one close to you would certainly know, which would decrease the pain to some extent. There is no point of hoping for the pain to go away entirely, because it won't.
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